Lara Band: historian/archaeologist: public archaeology
As an archaeologist working in public archaeology and interested in the contemporary I use walking to understand, experience and highlight places, processes and people, bringing seemingly unlinked stories together in creative and surprising ways. I also walk to think, to not think and just to get from A to B..
Twitter:@_laraband; Instagram:@bunty_flint

Julia Bennett: academic: sociology
University of Chester
I walk to research place and research those who walk in places

Dr Tracey M Benson: artist: visual arts
Institute of Applied Ecology, University of Canberra
My work oscillates between a number of recurring themes: ideas related to place and the landscape, cultural identity, consumption, memory, history and materiality. Exploring other ways of encountering the landscape, through walking and quiet observation are significant sources of inspiration and contemplation. These humble walks have not only been a source of rich imagery and play, they have also been a way of balancing the hectic pace of modern life.
Twitter & Instagram:@bytetime; Facebook: Mediakult

Elaine Brindley: writer: health & wellbeing
Geography, Royal Holloway, University of London
I am a geography student and am researching the experiences and motivations of solo female hikers on long distance footpaths in the UK for my dissertation. I am interested in the psychological and cultural issues/benefits surrounding this practice. I like to write about my own thoughts and feelings after a day’s walking, and sometimes take photographs. I am keen to network with other walkers generally and am specifically seeking solo female hikers to interview for my research.
Instagram: @elainebrindley23

Julie Brixey-Williams: artist: visual arts
Member of the Royal Society of Sculptors; PhD Researcher at the University of Reading
I have a site-responsive practice of segue and navigation via performativity, object, traces, photography and film. Within each of these projects is a process of listening, quietly “being with”, interventions over time and investigations through small acts. Working with sites or on residencies in this way, always involves entering and leaving, which is embodied and measured by footfall. I value this time for unexpected connections, reflection and sifting.
Twitter:@Bodpod43; Instagram:@juliebrixeywilliams

Jackie Bourke: academic and artist: geography / topography / psychogeography
My work lies at the intersection between artistic and academic practice. As such, walking is both an artistic expression and a research method. I walk to explore, to challenge, to ponder, and to lose myself. I particularly enjoy collaborative research and art-based projects. My work is underpinned by an interest in cities and the everyday experience of urban public space. I am interested in how gender shapes that experience.
Instagram:@Jackieb_9; Twitter:@JackieB_9

S J Butler: writer: literature
I live, write and walk in East Sussex, and the landscape around me permeates my writing. Walking is how I learn a place, whether city or wild, and myself, and the rhythm of walking beats through all my words. I’ve had times when I haven’t been able to walk, and value crossing one small field on foot, stopping every few feet to look deeper, as much as a day on the high ridges of the mountains.